Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why I like: Darts

We have a dart board in the staff lounge. I haven't hit any people, so I think this moves me up from novice to amateur. For reals though: I am quickly becoming a dart shark (if by 'dart shark' you mean that I'm hitting the board more often than the wall now). YES!

It's just fun to throw something sharp as hard as you can and not get in trouble for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Second semester, freshman year, my roommate and I had a dart board -- an actually real one with darts that could have killed the rats in the freshman dorm if we could have aimed that well. Disgusting things, freshman dorms.

We'd throw the darts as hard as we could and hope that they'd miss the board (which we had mounted to the door.) There were a ton of holes in the door by the end of the semester -- but they didn't care. The next inhabitants would only be freshmen, anyway.